Amherst Nov. 13th 1843

Dear Sir,

I am much indebted for your kind letter of the 30th ult. which had lain unanswered longer than I meant it should be. We are much rejoiced to find that your visit here was all pleasant to yourself while we assure you it was highly so to us. I used to think I could not get through the year without coming to New Haven. But of late years I have been less punctual not from want of inclination but because I have been obliged to take my journeys most of them in the other direction and because I find myself as I grow old more inclined to stay home. The last ten years have been with me years of incessant occupation. I feel more at liberty now & if life & health continue shall hope to visit your delightful city & feel indebted to you for your invitation as do also my family.

Your messages have been delivered to those to whom they were sent & were received with high gratification.

I have had no opportunity to consult any scientific friends respecting my communication on the tracks. But I have made up