rious and is ever declining from year to year as you think it is, we should be acting a rich part in urging you to a step, which might convey you closer to the grave, or render you anchored in a station, the duties of which your health might not permit you to perform. The great question, after all we can say, must be left to your decision, with the best light you can obtain; & it appears both from your letter & your note, that this discussion must be influenced by the settlement of a previous question (viz.) Will the investors dispense with a part of the duties which have been contemplated?
On this point, I am not authorized to speak officially, but I entertain no doubt of this being disposed to make the duties as light as they consistently can; & I am sure they would grant special indulgences, in consideration of ill health, for a term or two, & in order to secure the permament services of the man of their choice.
But whether the infancy of the college